Algeciras Tide Gauge

Site of Gauge:

The tide gauge is located in the harbour of Algeciras.


OLD STATION ( until october 2002) 





Lat : 36º 07’ N   Lon :  05º26’ W



Benchmarks: (for historical data until october 2002 )


TGBM:    NGR15                  

Aux1:       NGR16          0.549 m above TGBM

Aux2 :      NAGP486      1.494 m above TGBM



TGZ:       2.300 m below the TGBM

TGZ:       2.849 m below  Aux1

TGZ:       3.794 m below  Aux2


Datum information: All data are referred to the Tide gauge Zero (TGZ)


NEW STATION ( since 2006)

The tide gauge is located in the harbour of Algeciras


Lat : 36º 07.17 N   Lon :  005º 26.13 W

Datum information: The data refers to the Tide Gauge Zero (TGZ)



TGBM:  NGV.665


Datum information: Thel data are referred to the Tide gauge Zero (TGZ)

TGZ:   0.03 meters below Hidrographic  Zero


TGBM:    border of the protective well    

TGZ:       3.520  meters bellow TGBM ( NGV.655)



Time information: GMT


Data quality:

The  quality control checks applied to the data are: date & time, spikes, residual and comparison with neighbourhood stations