Palma de Mallorca Tide Gauge


Site of Gauge:

The tide gauge is located in the harbour of Palma Mallorca



Lat :39º 33’ N       Lon : 02º 38’ E









Datum information: The data refers to the Tide Gauge Zero (TGZ)




TGBM:   Clavo - Mfo            

Aux1:     Clavo – City council:  1.085 m below the TGBM



TGZ:      3.280 m below TGBM     

TGZ::     2.195 m below Aux1

TGZ:      Hidrographic Zero ( to be recalculated)



Time information: GMT


Data quality:

The  quality control checks applied to the data are: date & time, spikes, residual and comparison with neighbourhood stations