Puerto de la Luz (Las Palmas de G. Canaria ) Tide Gauge


Site of Gauge:

The tide gauge is located in the harbour of Puerto de la Luz, in the City of Las Palmas de G. Canaria.



Lat : 28º 08’ N    Lon : 15º 25’ W



Datum information: The data refers to the Tide Gauge Zero (TGZ)


Benchmarks and Benchmark relationships:


Benchmark    Grid Reference          Description

TGBM :    NGU-340     Inside of the TG building

Aux1:       SS2M           Next to the tide gauge building

Aux2 :      SS3M           In the dock of King Sofia. In front of the TG building



TGZ :       0.08 m  over (above)  Hidrographic ZERO 

TGZ :       1.444 m below Local Mean Sea Level

TGZ :       4.179 m below TGBM (NGU.340)

TGZ :       3.891 m below Aux1(SS2M)

TGZ :       4.164 m below Aux2 (SS3M)


Time information: GMT


Data quality:

The  quality control checks applied to the data are: date & time, spikes, residual and comparison with neighbourhood stations